Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ok. So...

So the new template is up, and I'll have you know that this was THE BIGGEST PAIN IN THE ASS I've encountered in quite some time.

For whatever reason, I can't get the comments to come up in a pop-up window. I don't know why this is, but we'll try and get er' figured out.

The other thing I'm going to try to do is to change the font color of the body text to white, so that it's easier on the eyes.

Sara from BlogFrocks is also going to make me a sign that says Green Apples From the Sky to go on the picture at the top, and hopefully...this will all work out.

Let me know what you think...



At 6:30 PM, Blogger white_devil said...

Yea..I see ya working..I just got your email but it looks like things worked out...looks pretty long as that is a chick thats unzipped..could be a small male.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger sdk said...

LMAO It BETTER be a female! LOL My choice of male would have just a tad more meat on his bones than that! LOL


At 6:41 PM, Blogger white_devil said...

Hey...ya never know...I've worked with less

At 9:06 PM, Blogger 4evergapeach said...

I'm with you sdk, a male pic wouldn't be bad, but....a little more to hold onto. (Get your mind out of the gutter!)LOL
Anyway, I love the new layout. It's neat and original. White text may be better to read but until I get my new glasses on the 20th I can't see worth a darn anyway! I know you've put a lot of work into this and it's paying off....keep it up, it's a great job!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Osbasso said...

The new layout looks pretty good. I think the white font will help, and perhaps bumping the size up one degree might be good too.

Can we assume that's you in the banner? Or at least think that anyway?

At 9:50 PM, Blogger sdk said...

LMAO...Uh..yeah, um, that's me. (Dear Lord, please don't send me to hell for lying.)

Any ideas on how one might bump up the size of the text and change the color?


At 10:31 PM, Blogger 4evergapeach said...

sdk...I saw the white text and that page about blew me away! Too much. Dimmer shade is better, maybe if the text were just larger or maybe a soft color.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger 4evergapeach said...

also you could change the word 'comments' to read 'unzipped me'. That would be cute.


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