Sunday, August 07, 2005


I'm a little pissed. And, like the good hearted person I am, I'm trying to see the comical value of the pisser, and it's good enough that I thought I'd share.

I spent 8 hours and 39 minutes downloading a movie last night on a peer to peer file share system. Yes, I know this is pirating and all of that. No lectures from you, I know about that piece of Bazooka gum you stole when you were 7. Give me any crap and I'll tell your mother about that little incident. Capish?

So, anywho, I spent 8 hours and 39 minutes downloading what I THOUGHT was The Longest Yard. This morning, I get up to find that it's finished downloading. Jas and I get our coffee, pull up an extra chair to my computer to begin watching it. The excitement was thick in the air. Pulling off something a little naughty always causes a satisfying energy spike.

I look over at Jas, and there's a little boy grin on his face. He's excited. We wanted to see the movie, but the thought of paying twenty bucks for two tickets, and fourty bucks for a sitter is a turn off, so wa-la...problem solved, right?

The screen flickers, and red, 1970's style letter comes across the screen: School Day Pictures.

I said "Huh. I thought Paramount did this?" It was retorical. I didn't actually expect Jas to say anything.

Then the title comes across the screen: Debbie Does Dallas.

WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I remember accidentally stumbling across this movie when I was 7. I opened the BADASSED VCR my daddy had just paid $600 bucks for, Flashdance on VHS in hand and WA-LA. There's Debbie wearing her cute little Dallas Cheerleader Uniform on the VHS label now protruding from Daddy's expensive little piece of machinery. I hear "Honey...what are you doing?" "Nothing, Mom. I thought I'd watch Flashdance, but I guess I'll watch this cheerleading movie you've got in." I reply, innocently.

Then there was the pounding of running feet, and my mom literally diving across the living room at me to pry Debbie's little work of art out of my fingers. I didn't actually get what that was all about until about 10 years later.

Jas and I sat there, a little dumbfounded for a good half hour. The music isn't quite the Chick-Bow-Bown getcho-groove-on music that we've become expectant of in today's romantic lovefests. With the music they played back then, you'd almost expect a bunny to come scampering across the screen, or maybe swords to be drawn as they are building to their uhh...climax. The music played on yester-decade's porn doesn't give off the warning that if you walk into a room you may view a little more than you bargained for. I mean...just an observation.

So...the hunt continues. Damn peer-to-peer and their falsely naming their files. Damn them!

It's a good damn thing the kids were taking their showers when we started watching that.



At 3:53 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Hmmm.... sounds like you pulled off something naughtier than the naughty you planned. :)

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Miss.Q said...

awww haha thats halrious.. very disappointing tho. I know how it feels when your soo pumped for something.. what a let down.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger jevlin said...

I got a falsely named file once. It was very distubing. What I saw in the clip disturbed me for about 3 days and the thing is, the person from who I downloaded it reset and cut me off after I had downloaded only a few seconds but before I deleted it I decided to check out the few seconds I had downloaded. The few seconds I saw was the worse thing I've ever seen.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ahhh.... you didn't delete that, did ya? ;-)

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Erika said...

See...I TOLDJA it was illegal;-)

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Sublime said...

Ya, but did you sit and watch the whole thing?? lol...

At 11:53 PM, Blogger sdk said...

Cheryl: LOL Ironically, we didn't intend to download porn. LOL Had we wanted porn, we'd have ended up with the Longest Yard.

Miss Q: It's all good. Same day we got Monster in Law. LOL

Mike: LOL Yeah, all I need is to further distort their perception of cheerleaders. Their dad's bad enough at leading them astray.

Jevlin: Do I dare ask what you saw?

David: Nope. I sent it to your home email account. LMAO

Erika: Uh huh. Yep. Sure you did. I heard you talking me out of it with a "What was that site where you can download illegal files? How do you spell that? Is that dot com or dot net?" LOL

Sublime: Are we bad people if I say yes? If so, nope. Only watched the title. If not, LOL Yeah, we sure did. It was horrible!

JB: I hadn't thought about the irony there, but you're right! LMAO...I think John Holmes musta missed out on that title though...LOL I didn't see anything that resembled a yard.


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