Wellllll....Pissed off some folks today...
Those of you from Michigan may not be aware of a fairly new law we have here. It's called the "Driver Responsibility" law. Ohhhhh boy did I have a bitch fest today.
So, Jas, being the awesomely bad driver he is, gets about 3 tickets per year on average. This sucks, but now it sucks even more than it USUALLY sucks.
Last year, Jas got 3 tickets. One was for speeding. He didn't pay it. Then he got pulled over for an out headlight about 3 months later, and poof...his license is suspended. At the no headlight pull over, he was also issued a ticket for no proof of insurance and driving while license suspended. We had insurance, he had just forgotten to put it in the car.
So, without telling me, he goes and pays all three tickets at the same time. Instead of just showing proof for the insurance, he paid it. Had he just showed proof, he wouldn't have had to pay that ticket.
Well...now the great state of Michigan, and our inept and superbly unqualified Governor, Jennifer Granholm signed a law into effect in October of 2003. You of course wouldn't know that this law is IN effect unless you've been slammed with it, but I'm here to inform you:
Don't get pulled over. If you get over 7 points on your license, if you get a dwls, a no proof ticket or a dui, you're going to be billed not once, not twice, but THREE times for the ticket.
We got a bill today. The bill is for 1300 bucks. Now, keep in mind, he's already PAID these tickets. Now, we're paying fines ON the tickets. The fine is chargeable for two consecutive years.
So, theres 150 for year 2004 on the no proof ticket, and 500 for year 2004 on the driving while suspended ticket. THEN, there's 150 for year 2005 for the no proof ticket and ANOTHER 500 for year 2005 for the suspended ticket.
Does this not REEK of double jeopardy? This would be like tossing someone in jail for a crime, and when they get ALL done with the sentence, tossing them back in not once, but twice more for good measure.
Yeah. Called our state representative. I'm taking this one personally. I don't usually get this worked up over what the government does, but if they think they're going to penalize him three freakin' times for the same offense, they're out of their damn minds.
Granted...he screwed up. There's no doubt that he screwed up. We had insurance, but he should have had proof in the car. He shouldn't have been speeding, and he should've paid his ticket. That's neither here nor there. He paid 900 bucks for those tickets, and I'll be damned if we're paying 1300 more for them.
Choooooooooocolate.....and I agree, that is VERY retarded!!
I just learned of this law myself two weeks ago. I honestly thought the guy that was telling me about it didn't know what he was talking about. I've never heard of anything so asanine in my life! Unless you want to talk about that extra fee MI charges on your car insurance....don't mean to get you started on something else SDK.
Sometimes this state really sucks!
Goodluck in trying to get out of paying the fee! Let us know how it turns out.
So, if I don't pay my damn speeding ticket soon.... I'll be paying on it for a couple years? Hmmm....
What is Michigan using all this money for? More police officers to write more tickets?
They should be using it to fix the crazy bad roads you've got yourselves.
Take care, (Your friend to the south in IN :)
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