Friday, July 29, 2005

Sadistic Things That Entertain Me

Oh there's such a big list, where-oh-where do I begin?

We can start with my grandmother's inability to function any computer system that was produced after 1983. I enjoy this because of her inability, she thinks me useful. I find that Grandma and I...we really don't have much in common anymore. Oh, I'm always willing to listen to how her wataerobics class went, it's not that. But, as far as being able to be out and helping her with the antique shop, I don't have as much time as I once did now, and unless she needs something, we don't talk that much anymore. Everytimes she sees a news article or one of the news stations run a story on something I've done, she gets all excited and calls all of her friends. This is cool...but how do you talk crime and punishment with someone who genuinely believes that we should still "just hang those sumbitches"? So, it is for this reason that I'm glad that Grandma wants to run an e-commerce site. It makes me useful to her, makes me feel needed, and keeps up that bond that we share.

My next sadistic pleasure is that I so enjoy doing evil things to the neighbor cat. It's a big, gray massive animal, that derives it's own pleasure from torturing Lily, who stays in our yard, doesn't get into any trouble, and rarely leaves the porch. Yesterday, I caught the little bastard trapping her in a corner. It's not like he's quiet about it either. He's all "Mmrrrrooooooooow" as he's doing it. So, I got the biggest pan I could find (you know the ones you boil corn on the cob in?) and I filled it all the way up. Then, I snuck out the back door, as quietly as my little hobble would allow. I got right behind him, all stealthy like, and then I nailed his little ass. He's been back twice more for the same treatment...

Those will have to do for tonight. I'm going to do what all bad parents do...I'm going to attempt to cut my 6 year old's hair...myself. With Scissors. Heh heh heh....



At 8:52 PM, Blogger jevlin said...

In entry one you put a picture of your TOE. In the next entry you talked about a pan like you make CORN on the cob in.

You can get a CORN on you TOE.

Are you trying to play mind games with us?

At 8:54 PM, Blogger jevlin said...

P.S. Is cutting your kids hair part of the sadistic things that entertain you list? Just wondering how good you cut hair.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger sdk said...

Yes, as a matter of fact I am. It's actually a conspiracy against the readers of this particular blog and 3 others that are on the blogger network.

We're actually planning to take over the world, and you're being distracted by my toe. I actually did that on purpose for this reason.

You shouldn't be looking at the computer. Quick...get to your window. Be looking for shiny objects in the sky when it's dark. If you connect the plot in the sky against all shiny objects you see in the sky on a big sky map, you will be able to read the message that we are trying to send.

Good luck.


At 8:58 PM, Blogger sdk said...

To your PS...

Not good. At all. We will be needing to go to my parents for the clippers in the morning...


At 9:07 PM, Blogger jevlin said...

There's a movie called THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE in which BILLY BOB THORTON watches a guy ride a PIG and you wrote about a LITTLE PIGGY today. In that movie they look at "shiney objects in the sky" which are FLYING SAUCERS and you mentioned SHINEY OBJECTS IN THE SKY and in that movie BILLY BOB THORTON CUTS HAIR and you're talking about cutting hair. Whose controlling whose mind?


At 9:13 PM, Blogger sdk said...

Dear Jedi,
Ahhh, Billy Bob. I love Billy Bob.

I was actually referring to the flight patterns of every flight that is visible from your window. If you track and trace them, you will see them spelling out a large message with their chemtrails.

Underneath the chem trail message that will become apparent if you only stare at it and plot it out on your sky map for a full 37 hours worth of darkness (it's ok to break this up over a few doesn't stay dark for 37 straight hours in most places...) You should see the star map begin to form for you.

Keep an eye on that galaxy. My inside info tells me that those fuckers are up to no good...



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