Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm SOOOOOO Sorry.

So, I'm alive. Yep. Pulse is still pulsing, there's still air entering and exiting my's official. I'm alive.

I'm sorry to just leave y'all hangin' like that. I wish I could come up with some great excuse for why I've been absent, but the only one I can fish out of the bowl is that I've just been really busy. At least it's not a bullshit excuse. There really is some merit to the argument.

For example...I picked up a third job. At the pet store, of course. (You didn't see that coming or anything...did you?) I have decided to not continue that job (have given my 2 week) because, well...that was the only me time I had and then I turned it into work, and that's not ok. So, I'll be finished at the pet store on Saturday, and then my visits will go back to me hanging out with my birds (yes, you DID see a plural on's not your imagination) and not fishing mice out of an aquarium to meet their demise with their new owners whom are usually long and scaly. Ick. The crickets were icky too. I'm just sayin'...

And, one of the girls at the bar quit. She was the dayshift girl, and had some nervous breakdown or something so I've been covering her shifts as well as my own. I put in 78 hours last week at the bar. I only put in 6 at the pet store. Between the two, places, I was on the verge of my own nervous breakdown. The pet store was very cool about me saying that enough was enough.

And...I have in 3 new cases that I've been working heartily on. One went missing from a known cop bar. Interestingly enough, her case file is missing from the precinct handling her case. That's going to be a really tough case. One is a missing woman from over by Detroit. Another toughy. And one is a man that's been missing for several years. None of these people have received help from any other sources before they contacted me...and that's not from lack of trying. It makes me mad.

Plus, I'm still working on that website that I've been bitching about for the past 4 months (at least). I'm hoping to get that live in the next few days.

And, drumroll please...I'm closing down my commercial office for my org. We're paying out almost 2 grand a month for the space and the expenses. And, all of our work, believe it or not, is primarily done from our homes. We forward the phones to wherever we are (or to cell's), we work from our home computers because the connections are faster on broadband, the only thing we really need at the office is the fax and the commercial printer. So...the printer is now sitting right here next to me.

We've decided if we need commercial space, we will get a teensy little cubicle somewhere and pay that rent payment instead of the mortgage we're paying now.

If anyone needs office equipment...we've got some great stuff for sale.

So...that's that.

How the heck is everyone?



At 5:31 PM, Blogger Pandora Wilde said...

I'm doing meh. It's good to hear from you tho. I did finally get you linked today.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Mad Munkey said...

Glad to hear you are back. More Birds n Bars stories coming soon I hope.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger mikster said...

So nice to see a post from ya...welcome back!!

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Missed you! My MOM was even asking about you yesterday. So if you let go of the commercial space, can you pay yourself and quit a job?? Surgery? Done? When? XOXOXOXO

At 12:03 AM, Blogger Erika said...

Its so crazy to realize how much someone on a blog can make you worry!! Its really good to know everything's been going well over on your end. Hopefully the bar'll find someone to do the day shift soon so you DON'T have a breakdown!! VERY good to have you back!!

At 6:23 AM, Blogger 4evergapeach said...

SO glad to see ya back! And glad to hear that everything is ok. I thought I was busy! I won't complain again, at least not until I get 2 more jobs, lease a commercial space, and deal with a few wild drunks. Looking forward to some good stories out of all this chaos. Take care!~~

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What kind of office equipment? Errr.. oh... yeah... Hi... welcome back... lol...


I guessed you were a bit busy.

At 6:56 AM, Blogger DBFrank said...

Gee, wonder why you havent' been blogging, sheesh ;)

78 hours!?

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Morrigan said...

Glad to here you're ok. Don't stretch yourself too thin!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger ribbiticus said...

hi sdk! so glad to hear everything's fine. had us worried there for a while. hey, don't work too hard. remember, health is wealth! :)

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Smart Aleck said...

If you need any help on the website let me know.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger chesneygirl said...

Welcome back!!!

Glad to hear all is well!

Girl...if you don't slow down YOU'RE going to have a nervous breakdown! ;)


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