Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Mr. Rio's got a mouth on him, doesn't he? That

You know how you....welllllll wait. Maybe I'm the only one who does this. Do you ever look at your animals, watch your animals and see them with human characteristics? Like I know someone who told me that their cat speaks (or if he could speak, anyway he would) with an English accent. Murphy...she sounds like a hyper-active doofus in my mind. And, Rio...he's a smart-ass. Except, with Rio, I really do get to hear what's on his mind, and most of the time, it ain't remotely close to being pretty.

In his homecoming post, he spoke of being locked away for potty language. This is a problem, a very real, very interesting problem. And...remember how he said he liked Jason? FIRST he liked Jason. Now...not so much. Now, if Jas so much as walks past his cage, Rio's doing all he can to get a hold of him. And, Jas is jealous and pissed about it. Alex, my 6 year old can walk right up to Rio's cage, pet him, scratch his head and tickle him. Jas, on the other hand, cannot. If he walks up to Rio's cage, Rio's going for maximum pain. It's not pretty.

I'm going to have to move his cage upstairs because he's getting awfully damn protective of it, and I don't want him anywhere near it unless he's supposed to be sleeping. But, for that to happen, Jas has to build me the ceiling-hangy-thing so that I can install his hanging gym. I'm looking for that to happen sometime next weekend, but won't be shocked at all if I end up climbing my butt up there and doing it myself because, well...Jas isn't exactly a handy-man sort - if you know what I mean.

Lemme see...what else has happened this week. I got new furniture that I bought on e-bay. Spectacular find, really. Here's the story. Dude likes girl. Dude asks girl to marry him. Dude marries girl. Dude and girl move in together and buy allllll brand spankin' new furniture from Art Van. New livingroom set, new bed, new everything. 2 months later, Dude realizes that chick is psycho, and anulls the new marriage. Dude tosses all the new stuff he JUUUUST bought, into a storage facility. Fast forward 6 years, and dude puts all that stuff up on ebay. I ended up with all of it for 500 bucks. I'll have to take some pictures of it. It's really cute. Bed is realllly comfy (I SOOO needed a new bed). It's a pillowtop queen sized bed. Came complete with a Ralph Lauren comforter and sheet set that wasn't even out of the bags. Still had the price tags on it. That comforter ROCKS. The couch and chair are beige and tan, they're sorta plaid, I guess with a billion throw pillows, extra pillows that go to the back of it, and then side throw pillows. And the table, which I originally bought as a house warming present for a friend who just moved into his new house (he said it's too girly for him) is a mohogany pedestal table with a leaf that can be taken out, and I've presently got it in my livingroom with pictures set all over it. Hell yeah! LOL That's just good stuff. I got an hour long full body massage. A friend of mine is in school for massage therapy, of the sport variety. In order to graduate, he has to have 70 clients this semester. So, Chris and I went over today, as promised to be guinea pigs for him.

Lemme just say that when you have a male friend, especially, a HOT male friend, you have some interesting hang-ups about getting all naked in front of him in broad daylight so that he can touch every crevice of your body....

That being said, it was really, really cool. Never at any point was it uh...inappropriate, and it was all in all a good deal. Good enough that we're going back next week. And...on an upnote: the spot that was numb in my back, actually has feeling again. Whatever it was...he fixed it today. Bonus!



At 9:16 AM, Blogger chesneygirl said...

I've never had any kind of massage. Now I feel like I'm missin' out!

All that furniture for 500 bucks?!?! AWESOME!

At 7:17 PM, Blogger mikster said...

Sounds like a great deal on the furniture and massages are always a good thing!

At 3:15 AM, Blogger Godzilla said...

I guess there was always the potential for teething troubles with Rion, but I'm sure you'll iron the wrinkles out.

Great result on the furniture, I never seem to find those sorts of bargains.

A really good massage does leave you tingling and feeling great. Sounds like your friend should graduate with distinction.


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