Monday, September 26, 2005

Just a Quick Update...

It is 4:35 am, Monday morning. I JUST got freakin' home. This two jobs shit is for the birds! LOL

Truthfully, it's not bad. The bar is fun, my real job is challenging. It's a nice balance. Now, if I could only find the time for my family, it would be perfect. Our money problems are finally getting in check. I'm making awesome tips. Hell...I just worked a Sunday night and made almost 100 bucks. That's a good deal.

I will try to make time at least a few times a week to write. I love blogging too much to give it up. But...I'll be honest with y'all...I'm exhausted. Since I started Wednesday, I've worked every single day or night since then...sometimes both. That friends, is called "being taken advantage of". I'm going to have to sit her (her being my new boss) down and explain the advantages of giving me a day off. Like for instance...if she gives me a day off, I'll have a day to relax, thus pushing back the day I'm so burned out that I say "Fuck it." at least by a couple of months. One day a week is all I'm asking for. Sundays would be a good day for this.

Ok...Anywho. I'm alive and kicking. I'm going to go, because Mr. DK has a job interview at 8:45am, and I'll be expected to be up and taking care of numbers 2 & 3 when he leaves.




At 7:10 AM, Blogger DBFrank said...

Get some rest. Don't burn yourself out!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You've been missed, but... do what ya gotta do.

At 8:27 AM, Blogger 4evergapeach said...

goodluck with hubby's interview! Considering everything on your plate you seem to be doing remarkably well. I've got applications in all over town, still waiting to hear something. Actually put one in for a bartender last night....might be calling you for advice on making those big tips!

Take care & take a bubble bath or something for yourself%%%%%%%%

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Well, that's kind of what I figured was going on. I once managed a restaurant/bar and was doing the 4:30am thing--that is SO exhausting. But like David said, you do what you gotta do. Good luck to Mr. DK on the interview! Glad you're okay.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Erika said...

Hmm...hang in there!! Is surgery this thursday or next month?

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Mad Munkey said...

And I thought I might have a hint of tired in my body... I stand corrected. Good luck on The half half getting off the lazy ass and doing something.


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