Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Definitely Cheaper than Therapy.

There are just so many things that need to be written down. I once was faithful to my journal, and then time became scarce, particularly time alone where I could write without interuption. Now, the fact is that I type much, much faster than I could ever hand write anything. So, here we are.
An Introduction: I'm SDK. (I'll just go ahead and leave out names. Since half the stuff I write would eventually amount to career suicide, we'll just go ahead and leave it at that.) I'm 29, I founded run a non-profit organization that deals with search and rescue, I have a husband, three little boys, a dog, a cat and plenty of friends. That's sufficient for a preliminary introduction, right? Afterall, you can't help but to get to know someone through their writing, so let us not be impatient. It'll all come out eventually.
There are several factors for why I feel I need a blog. I'll briefly touch on a few of them here and now, then we'll visit them in depth later. KSH is a big one. I can't ever, freakin' EVER get KSH off my mind. The kids - I mean show me a perfect parent and I'll show you a big fat liar. Everyone needs to vent, and since it's pretty insensitive to do it to your spouse or parents, I'll be doing that here. Speaking of spouse...yeah, there's a big one. And, we can't forget the organization (from here on out I'll call that the org). Frustration breeds contempt, and I'd like to just head that off at the pass.
That outta do it.
Nice to meet you.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

And don't forget G-FWS... that's another big one...



At 1:50 PM, Blogger NastyBrains said...

Life isn't easy...sometimes it really SUCKS!

Its a shame when the best part of your day is going to bed...

We've all been there...

Just remember "Courage doesn't always roar,sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow"

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aren't non-profits fun?!

At 3:13 PM, Blogger sdk said...

Absolutely. I founded ours 3 years ago. It's been hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world. There's so much support for what we do.

In what aspect do you serve?


At 7:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Communications.... "PR".... internal & external.... media, publications, repackaging and distribution of information for a variety of audience segments....

"... and other duties as assigned by my supervisor..."


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